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How SSDs Help with Productivity for Businesses

If you want maximum performance for minimal cost, solid state drives (SSDs) can transform your business. SSDs can speed up existing computers and servers for a fraction of the cost of new systems. 

Work 6x faster with Crucial SSDs

How much more productive could you or your business be if you were able to work faster? That’s the question we asked in the Crucial Performance Lab. While we’ve often said that SSDs radically increase productivity, we haven’t been able to say by how much, until now. 

SSDs in desktops and laptops: the individual multiplier

Empower your office team with 15x the speed

Solid state drives load programs instantly; hard drives can take longer. When employees are using their computers all day for multiple tasks, the speed SSDs provide can empower your organization to move faster. Solid state drives are over 15x faster than conventional hard drives.1

mx500 with laptop

Give your mobile workforce 2x the battery life

Today’s mobile workers are constantly on the go, but can be constrained by limited battery life. Solid state drives are twice as energy efficient as hard drives, which is the difference between a laptop’s battery lasting an entire flight or powering down midway through.2

Protect your data with road-worthy durability

Because solid state drives don’t have small moving parts, they’re significantly more durable than hard drives, which can’t withstand as much wear and tear. This is important because mobile workers are often traveling and luggage gets tossed around. If a computer gets dropped or jostled before a major client presentation, the hard drive can fail, but the structural design of an SSD allows it to keep working.

Secure confidential customer and business data

Everything stored on business systems is vulnerable to hackers, thieves, and the competition. Hard drives typically support only software-based encryption, which can be hacked. A better way to protect sensitive data is to encrypt it at the hardware level on an solid state drive. Learn more here. 

SSDs in servers: the organizational multiplier

Solid state drives enhance laptop and desktop computers, but they’re even more powerful in servers. Everyone gets the benefits of faster application loading, faster database access, and faster online transaction processing.  

Enable all employees to quickly access data

Everyone needs access to files that live on servers. However, when too many employees are trying to simultaneously access data, it can stretch hard drives beyond their limits. When hard drives are replaced with solid state drives, everyone in the organization can quickly access what they need to get things done.

Increase the number of virtual machines

When virtual machines, virtualized applications, and operating systems are stored on enterprise SSDs, the systems perform significantly faster. Solid state drives also help minimize boot storms, while increasing the numbers of virtual machines you can run.

Process 45x more database transations per minute

Enterprise-grade solid state drives make it possible to process 2.5 million database transactions per minute and over 500,000 orders per minute on Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014.3 Compare that to a test of enterprise-grade hard drives, which were able to process only 53,220 database transactions per minute.4

Save on software licenses

By improving the performance of existing servers, you can use fewer servers, which means savings on annual database software licenses that often cost more than 25x the cost of the server per year.5 Solid state drives can cut license costs, and because they’re more energy efficient, SSDs reduce the need for cooling, which can result in additional savings.

The bottom line

Solid state drives transform the pace of productivity. Wait times seem inconsequential, but over the day they can add up and limit what can get done. Instead of waiting for your computer to start and load apps, you can be getting tasks done. Serve more customers. Ship more orders. Crunch more data. Do everything in your digital workday faster – and without delay.Then take it a step further and imagine that not only are you able to work faster, but so is everyone else in your business. Your organization is able to move faster, serve customers better, and outpace the competition. When businesses make the migration to SSDs, they overcome the biggest time drain they didn’t know existed: mechanical hard drives. 

1Performance level based on comparative benchmark scores of the Crucial BX100 SSD and the Western Digital® Caviar Blue™ WD10EZEX internal hard drive. Actual performance level may vary based on benchmark used and individual system configuration. Test setup: 1TB Crucial BX100 SSD and 1TB Western Digital Caviar Blue internal hard drive, both tested on an Intel® DZ87RL motherboard, Intel i7-4770K 3.50GHz processor, BIOS Rev. 0327, and Windows® 8 Pro 64-bit operating system using PCMark® Vantage HDD test suite. Results based on internal benchmark testing conducted December 2014.
2Active average power use comparison based on published specs of the 500GB Crucial BX100 SSD and the 1TB Western Digital Caviar Blue internal hard drive. Both products’ active average power ratings were taken from manufacturer datasheets.
3Results based on internal testing where a Micron® P420m SSD was configured in a Dell® PowerEdge R730xd server (2X E5-2690 v3 CPUs, 136GB DRAM) running Microsoft® Windows 2012 R2 (Data Center Edition)—a SQL Server Database “appliance” system. For simplicity, the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition data files, tempdb files, and log files were all located on the single P420m formatted NTFS. With this single server/ single P420m PCIe SSD configuration, 160 virtual users generated a maximum of 2,528,820 transactions per minute (TPM) and 549,456 new order transactions per minute. Testing conducted in April 2015.
4Based on external testing of SQL Server 2014 running on a 2x E7-4820 v2 CPUs server with 128GB DRAM. Log and data files were stored on four HDDs and sixteen HDDs (respectively) and performance was compared when storing log and data files entirely on SSDs. Based on testing conducted in the TP675.1-1503US, March 2015 technology paper.
5Based on the April 30, 2015 list price of a Dell R730 rack server compared to the cost of an Oracle® Database Enterprise Edition license (as listed in the Oracle Technology Global Price List published April 9, 2015).

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